Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Self-Publishing options

I'm going to work with Word and Acrobat to draft the book, but after that there seem to be several options for publishing. Naturally I will talk to theater book publishers, but I was reading THE WEEK and came across a little piece about self-publishing.

There's an interesting site called parapublishing.com that has all sorts of advice (mostly aimed at vanity press, I suppose). Even more intriguing is lulu.com, which offers to publish books along the Cafe Press model: you upload the content and they take a royalty for every copy published.

Maybe Cornerstone should consider that for the Methodology handbook. Lulu.com also offers the option of making the book available for download. I think Cafe Press also has this option (in addition to selling t-shirts and mugs). Lulu's Top 100 list is a fascinating snapshot of this end of the business: instant insider tech manuals, religious fiction along the "Left Behind" lines, and all sorts of other stuff.

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